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In this article we are going to discuss on top 7 best Linux distro for gaming in 2018. Game is one of the most important part of our life. Everyone loves to play game. 10 years before the games were not so much popular like today in 2018 because if you want to play game you need a computer and at that time computers are not much popular like today. The gaming industry has been developed far ahead. Today game developing organizations like EA producing special devices for games, there are most advance Graphic Devices and software’s are available for better rendering and visual of gaming application.

New generation games required high configuration platform to work properly. You need to have a system with light weight operating system and high system configuration devices like RAM and Processor. As these operating systems is builded for Gaming purpose only it support’s gaming devices like Gamepads & Joysticks…etc…

You can use almost all Linux operating system’s to install and play games because The major gaming application’s like Steam, WineHQ, PlayOnLinux installation packages are available for all Linux distros but the Linux Distributions which are intentionally developed for gaming only will give you the outstanding performance which you can’t find in normal Linux Distros. Here in this article I brought you 7 best Linux distro for gaming. So let’s get started.

So Let’s have a look at 7 best Linux distro for Gaming

  1. Steam Linux Operating System:

Steam OS is coming at first place while we are searching for a best Linux distro for gaming. The best part of Steam OS is it is light weight operating system based on Debian 8. The code name of this OS is Debian Jessie. The hardware requirement of this OS is not much demandable. You can choose a system with below minimum requirement to install Steam OS :

The below Hardware requirement details is taken from official website of Steam OS.

You need to have at least 4 GB of RAM,
Intel or AMD processor (64 BIT),
You must have a Graphic Card which is must for Gaming. The best advantage of Steam OS is it’s supports all major brand Graphic cards. Now it’s upon you which Graphic Card you are going to choose. The supportable Graphic Cards are NVIDIA graphics card, Intel graphic card & AMD graphics card which must be RADEON 8500 and later.
It is mandatory to have UEFI Firmware on your Motherboard and a USB port on your system for Installation purpose.
If you have the above minimum requirement on your system, then you can easily install Steam OS on your computer. By Default, Steam OS comes with large collection of Games on its Game Store.

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1 則留言

iT邦新手 5 級 ‧ 2018-06-04 11:08:59



